The Essential Problem
Post date: Mar 25, 2013 7:00:59 PM
Would we really choose death willingly? Would we sacrifice Paradise for Pride? Give up God’s perfect order to satisfy our curiosity? We did. I have. I will again. And apart from Him, we will every time. Because to be apart from Him, is already death. My sin is just the symptom of my distance from God. Just the natural outcome of my finite mind trying to discern absolute truth on its own; a task well beyond its capabilities. The amazing thing is that even before I chose sin and death, he knew I would, but despite it, He chose me anyway. Before I ever had the physical opportunity to sin, He knew all my sins, and for the joy set before him – to enable me to return to Him – He chose to forgive my sins, which would otherwise ensure my permanent separation from him. He endured the suffering of the cross to send a clear message: no matter how great your sin against me (drive nails through my hands, if you must), I LOVE YOU MORE. Unending Love. Amazing Grace. They often escape our full comprehension, precisely because they are a part of that ultimate truth that we simply cannot comprehend – apart from Him.