Just for Men
Ok guys, so what's the deal? Every guy knows how important a team is when it comes to sports, work, and warfare, so why the heck do we bolt into our cave and isolate ourselves when it comes to our personal struggles? To walk alone, is to fall. Every time. No exceptions. How many public examples of this do we need? Practically every week there's some story about another guys' life falling apart - because of the things he was hiding. In the military we are taught, never go into battle alone, and every sports team member knows there is no way he could win the game alone, yet guys routinely fight their personal battles in total isolation. We hide our struggles, and when they take us down, we see being taken down as our personal failure, rather than the inevitable outcome of our isolation. So we heap a little more shame on ourselves (for yet another failure), then go right back into battle again, - alone. The eventual result is obvious. In misdiagnosing the failure, we overlook the solution: finding a team and getting real with them. We are advised to "confess our sins one to another" and "bear one another's burdens". Actually, there are lot's of "one anothers", and the truth is I can't do any of them alone. So whether you go to counseling or not, I strongly encourage you to be relentless in eliminating isolation from your life. Get Connected, Get Real, and you will Find Victory.
For specific information about porn use, see the following site: http://fightthenewdrug.org/#sthash.BAnMmftJ.dpbs